Saturday, May 12, 2007

Converter and Adapter

I went to Radio Shack and got mine. It can be confusing so I'll try to tell you what they told me. First, you need an adapter. This will plug into the European outlet and you can plug your American plug into that. BUT-- European electricity is different that ours. I believe they have a more powerful current so you also need a voltage converter. Otherwise, when you plug in your appliance, it will fry. I guess there are two levels of wattage you need to consider. Will you be plugging in an iron or blow dryer? If so, you'll need a high wattage converter. If you'll only be using it for charging a phone or camera battery, you need a low wattage one. I went with the easier (yet more expensive) route and bought a converter that has a switch for both low and high wattage (called a dual power converter). They told me, the rule is, if the appliance gets plugged in for a long period of time (lamp, charger, etc.) you will use the low watt.

I hope this helps. I spent a little over $50 for both. The good news is that the adapter pack comes with all the adapters you will need for traveling the world so you won't need to worry if you plan on traveling to other countries. Good luck!


Blogger Jen said...

thanks soo much!!! BTW it's for my camera so now I know what to look for.

May 13, 2007 at 8:17 PM  

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