Wednesday, June 11, 2008

London for Free

Okay, sure you have to get there first, but there are a lot of free things to do once you're in London. See the story at the Guardian.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Back Already

Hey Everyone!
I can't believe how fast our trip went by and that we're back home again. It was such an amazing and wonderful trip, and I loved every minute it. It was great to make so many new friends and experience such wonderful things with everyone. I will never forget this amazing adventure we took together. Professor Laity--thank you so much for everything!! The trip was so much fun and such a great experience that I know none of us will never forget. Thank you for putting so much time and effort into planning and organizing everything for all of us!
I miss London like crazy!! It's nice to be home, but I'm still not used to driving again. I also definitely miss hearing a voice say "mind the gap" twenty-million times while we're on the tube. I am still extremely exhausted and jet-lagged. I was up the whole night sick the night we got home so that messed me up quite a bit. Hopefully I'll feel better in a couple days!
I miss everyone and I hope you are all well rested and enjoying being home. I hope to see everyone on campus next semester. Keep in touch and have an awesome summer. Take care!!

Back in Albany.

Made it home safe from the airport. Missing it so much still, but wanted to say thank you so much to everyone including Professor Laity, if it wasn't for you none of us would have been able to share this wonderful experience. I offically loved London, and couldn't have asked for a better first trip overseas. I learned so much, and had the opportunities to do things I never thought I would have been able to. This was a life changing experience, and I feel as though I have come away with so much. We've had the chance of making new friends, and seeing different ways of life. Everyone keep in touch, this was awesome and once again thank you for making this trip everything and more.


I just wanted to say that I had an amazing time in London. As my first real travel experience, I left with a lot of memories and friends (and pictures!) but more than anything, it made me realize how much is out there and I can't wait to see it. Keep in touch everyone, and Professor Laity - thanks so much for everything!